How to Know if You Get High Cheekbones

Entity discusses why science says high cheekbones matter.

Dazzler is in the eye of the beholder, right?  Well, generally.

The truth of the matter is, there are sure features of the body that we are inherently fatigued to. High cheekbones are one of them.

Only of course, there are certainly proficient looking men and women with low cheekbones. Someone's cheekbone game does non solely determine how bonny he or she is. However, there is something to exist said for the widespread belief that high cheekbones are an indicator of beauty.

How can you tell the difference between loftier and low cheekbones? How can you brand your cheekbones pop? Why does it even matter?

No matter your question, ENTITY has yous covered.

How tin you tell if you have high cheekbones?

At that place is no exact science to determine whether someone's cheekbones are low or high, but there are a few means to figure it out.

Entity talks high cheekbones

Place your thumb at the top of your ear, then move your pointer finger to the side of your nostril. The line that is created with your finger is your cheekbone. When y'all do this it must be observed under a bright light and it is important to have a makeup-gratuitous face.

If you take loftier cheekbones, the line of your cheekbone will appear right below the heart or at the upper function of your nose. Low cheekbones are located towards the bottom of the olfactory organ or, occasionally, below information technology.

Besides, you have high cheekbones if the widest role of your face is right below your eyes. This typically causes the cheeks to slightly dip beneath the bone. Sometimes, this makes a shadow that emphasizes the cheekbone fifty-fifty more.

Why are high cheekbones considered bonny?

1 We can thank good old homo nature.

The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology surveyed 20,000 people effectually the world on images of women's faces. The pool of faces was diverse with Caucasian, Hispanic, African and Eastern-European women.

Surprisingly, all of the evaluators from various cultures chose women with high cheekbones as attractive.

Entity discusses high cheekbones

Merely why?

According to the researchers, loftier cheekbones are a defining factor of high estrogen levels in women. Estrogen is a critical component in determining the reproductive state of a adult female's trunk. Dazzler may be subjective, but there is something to exist said about how the need to procreate drives various aesthetic preferences.

In addition, loftier cheekbones are associated with youthfulness, whereas shallow cheekbones represent the crumbling effect of gravity. Youthfulness and fertility are major health factors men unconsciously seek out in a partner. Therefore, it is unsurprising that loftier cheekbones are a universal symbol of beauty.

two Symmetry is everything.

Entity discusses high cheekbones

High cheekbones tin be a sign of a more symmetrical face. If you lot fold a confront in half and the sides line upwards, then it is inherently perceived as more "bonny." A study by Face up Research reported that at that place are two primary explanations for this.

1 is the Evolutionary Advantage view. According to this theory, symmetry is considered cute because less symmetrical faces are associated with nascency defects or other health problems.

The other argument is the Perpetual Bias view. This theory argues that symmetrical faces are easily processed by the encephalon. By contrast, asymmetrical features take longer for the encephalon to procedure. According to Perpetual Bias, this naturally drives homo attraction to characteristics like high cheekbones.

Thus, this is one reason high cheekbones are common amongst models and actors. Many stars known for their stunning expert looks take high cheekbones, such as Angelina Jolie and Katherine Hepburn.

three They projection honesty.

Entity discusses high cheekbones

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous figures with high cheekbones. Maybe that'due south where the "Honest Abe" nickname came in?

In a written report conducted past NYU, researchers found that our brains assess the trustworthiness of a face in mere milliseconds. When the subjects looked at images of faces with various features, pronounced cheekbones were consistently a trait they associated with honesty.

The brain'south amygdala was tested to prove where this automatic response to certain characteristics comes from. Additionally, other studies take proven that this portion of the brain is agile during tasks that involve judging the trustworthiness of faces.

So now that you know the benefits of having loftier cheekbones, how can you lot make your cheekbones more than prominent?

The simple respond? Contour, profile, contour!

Entity discusses high cheekbones

For this, you will need foundation, contour/bronzing powder, highlighter and fluffy makeup brushes of your selection.

Get-go, you need to suck in your cheeks to see the hollows. This will expose where your cheekbones lie. Once yous can see your cheekbones, tilt your castor over that line at a 45-degree angle. Then, hold your brush vertically at the end of your eyebrow to determine where the contouring should end.

Yous will need to use a bronzer that is two to three shades darker than your natural pare tone. Place the brush below your hairline and swipe down until y'all are halfway to your cheekbone. As well, make certain not to cross your actual cheekbone.

Subsequently that, it's time to burnish your cheekbones. For this, y'all highlight the area right higher up your cheekbones with a minor fluffy castor and your favorite highlighter. Finally, yous volition use a larger fluffy brush of your choosing to blend the bronzer and highlight together so you aren't left with a harsh line.

That's all folks! Adequately uncomplicated, right?

And if yous prefer a visual tutorial sentry this beauty YouTuber Tina Yong's video below.

We hope this answered all your burning questions about loftier cheekbones. If you have further thoughts please share in the comments department below. Bye, beauties!

Entity discusses high cheekbones


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