The Best of Art Bar 2014

The All-time of Fine art Bar 2014

Reader Interactions


  1. Jessica Cornman

    Cheers for your cute blog!

    • Barbara Rucci

      oh my gosh, give thanks YOU for post-obit along with me on my journey Jessica!! i dearest each and every comment 🙂 xo bar

  2. Alex

    So glad I found your weblog! I love your colourful and creative projects. Looking forwards to seeing them this year.

    • Barbara Rucci

      thank you Alex, so glad y'all found me, too 🙂 xx bar

  3. Marina Gallovitch

    Hi Bar,
    I just stumbled on your Facebook page and at present to your blog. I'k a onetime unproblematic art instructor, turned mom, and now venturing into didactics art lessons from my dwelling. I await forward to following your business organisation and your weblog. xoxo Marina from Chicago

    • Barbara Rucci

      hi marina! i'm so glad y'all plant me, i love that you were an elementary fine art teacher. i just started instruction last year so i'm sure i could learn a lot for Y'all! thanks for stopping past and for leaving a comment 🙂 xo bar


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